Bako national park

pictures/bako01-1.jpg From Kuching I and Didier made a trip to nearby Bako national park. To get there we had to hire a boat, which had some trouble starting... pictures/bako02-1.jpg

pictures/bako05-1.jpg The boat left us on a deserted-looking beach with strange rocks and things that looked like you wouldn't want to step on them. pictures/bako07-1.jpg pictures/bako35-1.jpg

Walking a little along the beach we found camp headquarters and a canteen, where a couple of macaques jumped our table and stole our bisquits and a coke. In the forest there were also proboscis monkeys but I didn't get pictures of them. pictures/bako08-1.jpg pictures/bako09-1.jpg

pictures/bako27-1.jpg pictures/bako36-1.jpg Walking through the park... pictures/bako12-1.jpg

pictures/bako17-1.jpg Trees have their means of coping with the strong tide. pictures/bako18-1.jpg

pictures/bako10-1.jpg On the beach there were many little crabs drawing strange figures in the sand -- pictures/bako23-1.jpg pictures/bako24-1.jpg

pictures/bako20-1.jpg pictures/bako31-1.jpg --as well as lots of strange rock formations, some beautifully coloured by tide. pictures/bako34-1.jpg

pictures/bako29-1.jpg On the left sunset on the beach, on the right boat leaving at high tide. pictures/bako38-1.jpg

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Copyright © Tapani Tarvainen ( 1997, 1998.